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HKEX head sees more firms listing in Hong Kong

Hong Kong Exchanges and Clearing (HKEX) chairwoman Laura Cha Shih May-lung has expressed confidence that more companies will come to list in Hong Kong over the next 22 years and beyond. Cha remarked on the eve of HKEX's 22nd anniversary as a listed company. During the event, HKEX CEO Nicolas Aguzin also said that the bourse operator must learn from technology-driven companies to deliver new products and services at low costs. The number of companies listed on the exchange it runs has risen as well, from 790 at the time to the current 2,565, while the total market capitalisation has risen eightfold to HKD37.9tr. The Hong Kong exchange has also been the top initial public offering market worldwide eight times over the past 13 years.

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