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UN reports double international tourist arrivals in 2022

The World Tourism Organization said that global tourist arrivals in 2022 were stronger than expected when it recorded 917 million, doubling the 455 million in 2021. While the number of international arrivals last year was still just 63% of the level posted in 2019 before the Covid-19 pandemic hit, the Madrid-based UN body predicts it could reach 80% to 95% in 2023. The report said that international tourism is set to consolidate its recovery in 2023, backed by pent-up demand, particularly from Asia and the Pacific as destinations and markets open up. Europe recorded 585 million arrivals last year, nearly 80% of its pre-pandemic level. But Africa and the Americas only recovered to about 65% of pre-pandemic visitors, while the Pacific region reached only 23% due to stronger pandemic-related restrictions.

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